
Sunday 15 September 2019

Ameya Narvekar Swami Samarth

Swami Gayatri

Tuesday 21 Nov 2017, I woke up at 6 am as I wanted to recollect and write down my experience of the previous day. I wanted to treasure each word that Babaji had spoken through Ware Kaka. I hurried to fix breakfast at around 7.00 am as it has taken me an hour to recollect the details. The morning was perfect with clear skies and the Powai city waking up to the noises of the day. I made coffee and stared in to the distance to find thinking about the day. This was another day that I had been looking forward to for a long time. I was going to meet another Swami Gopi # 3. She had not only played a key role in teaching me Sahaj Swami Bhakti but also helped me meet another divine soul. So how did I run in to Swami Gopi # 3.
Let me give you a brief description of this loving soul. She lives in Vashi, a Mother and an adoring wife. To the world she may be an ordinary person but for me she is no less than a “Swami Angel”. Also, Rahadhiraj has bestowed her with a gift of tarot reading and numerology. I have not known Aparna for a long time. On 8th Jan 2017 a prayer was posted on our “Swami Swadhdhyay Parivaar” (A WhatsApp group created for Swami devotees across the globe) and chanting this prayer was helpful cancer patients. I saw Leena’s message about wanting to know more about the prayer. So I dropped her a personal message in the spirit of helping. I also shared with information on ayurvedic medicines and research available for cancer patients in Trayambakeshwar, Nashik (a learning from my Nov 2016 India trip). We ended up chatting to each other over the next few days. As always Swami has connected me with devotees across the globe. In this case I never knew that my acquaintance with Aparna would bring me immense joy. Since the very first day Aparna openly shared two precious stones of Swami Bhakti. They were “Swami Naamsmaran” and “Gayatri Mantra” given to her Guru by Swami in drushtant (dream state). Two simple methods but it was my folly I took so long to understand its value!A few days later Aparna sent me a recording of Swami’s Gayatri Mantra. I listened to it but found it very powerful and tried chanting it but I felt as if my head would explode! My bhaktisaar with Aparna continued over the next few months via Whatsapp and over the phone. I shared some of my Swami poems with her. Through out the entire journey I must have said to her that her face looked very familiar.
One day in April 2017, we were discussing about Swami living links over the phone. Aparna told me about her Swami journey and her initiation into deeper realms of Swami Bhakti by her Guru, Mrs. Meher Marker. She also mentioned that Mrs. Marker had received the Gayatri chanting from Swami in a dream state. The phone almost fell from my hands as I heard it. I heard Aparna saying, “Are you there? Is everything okay?”. I replied, “Yes, I’m fine. I just had a thought message from Shirdi Sainath. I had to stop and listen to it and to keep up with its transmission. I need to explain it to you for some reason. In the early days of Sai Bhakti, Baba had told me that when I am “ready” I will meet a Parsi Lady who will explain my life purpose. I have waited for 10 long  years to meet this Parsi Lady and I think Mrs. Marker is the one!” We ended our conversation with Aparna offering to put me in touch with Mrs. Marker asap.
I shall save my journey with Mrs. Marker for the next post. Let’s get back to the morning in Powai!
The door bell rang sharp at 8.00 am making me snap me out of my self-introspection. I opened the door for our house-help, Neha and chatted to her briefly and requested her to try and finish cleaning up by 10 am. I had planned to meet Aparna at the Swami Math, Dadar around 11.00 am then eat lunch and continue our “gappa goshti” (chat).  Honestly, I wasn’t very keen to go to the Dadar Math but I knew Swami had a plan up his sleeve. My phone calendar alarm buzzed to remind me of an appointment with Mrs. Marker at 2.00 pm.
The day was rolling by quickly and by 10.15 am, I was in a cab to Dadar Math. While I was in the cab I received a phone call from GirishK (Swami bhoomi). He was sounding ecstatic as he spoke, “I went to the Chintamani Temple in Theyur this morning to pray. I met an old man around 4 feet tall. In  commanding tone asked me to visit the Hanuman temple before going to see Ganpati. I went in the temple and He queried why was I praying in my mind, speak loudly to Him and ask Him for what you seek, He is listening! So I prayed loudly and then the man asked me for some tea. I had 21 rupees with me and I gave it to him and moved out. After about 45 mins of finishing the temple visit, I went to find an ATM to withdraw cash. I think an hour must have gone by and I saw the same man sitting outside a small restaurant. I asked him did you have tea. He replied saying He will have it now! This man was taking baby like steps as He was unable to walk properly. He insisted that I should have tea. The tea story has been going since a long time. At home, near the Shankar Maharaj photo we have been keeping every first cup of tea made in out house for him and then have it later. This had stopped for a few months and it was Maharaj’s way to remind me to do so.”2017-10-29-PHOTO-00000114
From what I heard in the traffic, I had tears in my eyes. Somewhere in hear I longed to go to Shankar Maharaj Math in Pune. I had to tell Girish that I needed to return his call as the cab driver couldn’t find the Math and we were lost.
I finally reached the Math at 11.30 am and found Aparna near the Math. We hugged each other like best friends. Aparna had brought some fresh sonchafa flowers from home to offer Swami and shared some with me. We kept our shoes at the counter and went in to the Math. He looked magnificent and I did a namaskar saying, “hello Swami, kashey aahat tumhi, mi parat aaaley” (hello Swami, how are you and I am back). We gave the flowers to the priest and then sat down in the common area to pray. Just then, my mobile phone rang and GirishK was calling me. My eyes were on Swami’s photo as I spoke to GirishK. He sounded thrilled and said, “I am sitting with Maharaj and having tea. He is next to me and I thought of calling you.” I wanted to hear more about Girish’s divine experience but one of the temple volunteers angrily told me to switch off my phone. I considered running out of the Math to listen to his story but the exit was far away and it would have taken 5-10 mins. I mentally thanks Shri Shankar Maharaj for his darshan and told Girish to  hang up. My last words were, ” Girish, I have to go the temple volunteer is very angry but please enjoy every second of your chai with the divinity.” So saying I hung up and continued praying to Shankar Maharaj and Swami. I considered myself to blessed to have the presence of two perfect Masters at that moment. At the end of that day, I called Girish and heard the incident. He told me that after having tea the old man disappeared in to thin air and Girish couldn’t find him anywhere!
After our prayers at the Math, Aparna and I collected our shoes and stepped out. I stopped by the flower shop to buy roses for Mrs. Marker and dropped in at the small store selling pooja items and books. I queried if they had any books in English on Kardalivan as well a shawl for a mid-size Swami moorti. I didn’t either items but I found something valuable. I bought the beautiful Swami calendar which has Shekhar Sane paintings and Anandnath Maharaj poems. The person at the store gave me The Devine Life Of Swami Samarth by D.A.Ghaisas. He suggested that I should read it and shared that Mr. Ghaisas is his research guide and he introduced himself as Deepak Lonkar. He told me that he was currently studying M.Phil in DattaSampradaya. I almost pinched myself when I heard it. For last few years, I have been searching information to do a PhD in something related to Shri DattaGuru lineage. Mr. Lonkar kindly shared me all the information of how to seek admission and I thanked him. He gently said, “It’s Swami’s wish that we are talking about the research work.” I paused and thought Swami did have something in mind!
I completely forgot about Aparna and she stood patiently beside me. We left the Math and went to have lunch a local restaurant. We chatted until 1.15 pm while eating traditional Marathi food. I had to bid farewell to Aparna as I needed to meet Mrs. Marker.  Such was the wonderful meeting with Swami Gopi #3. The below words crossed my heart as I wrap up yet another Swami leela:

       तोची एक समर्थांच्या शोधात मी सामर्थ्य झाले

 “Tochi Ek Samarthaan Chya Shodhaat, Mi Saamarthya Jhale”

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Fereshteh (Angel)

The taxi ride from Dadar to Matunga took about 15 minutes. I was going to meet Mrs. Meher Marker at her home in Matunga. Those 15 minutes were very important for me as I needed to do some soul-searching. My heart was beating so loudly that I could hear it in my ears. I was nervous as I had no clue of what to expect in the 60 mins that I would spend with Mrs. Marker.
I had been in touch with Mrs.Marker over the phone and whatsapp. She was my “Fereshteh” who had helped me glide through many queries related to my premonitions. I knew she was soft-spoken, loving and kind Guru. Yet, I was worried because I wasn’t practicing the “Swami Gayatri” on a daily basis. In a week I would be able to chant it only once or thrice. She had instructed me strictly not to bring any gifts but only to get myself and focus 100% during our session. During those 15 mins I recalled the day I first met her.
Let’s roll back the wheels of time to 4th May 2017. Aparna had connected me to Mrs. Marker and I was supposed to call her at Sydney time 6 pm. I reached home from work, fixed dinner for the kids and dialed her number. A sweet voice answered the phone. We spoke for 30 mins for the first time. She jumped straight to the point saying, “why don’t you accept your gift? You think our benevolent ShirdiSai Baba doesn’t know what He is doing? He knows you can carry the gift and heal His devotees. You have to stop running! You don’t need to seek justification from anyone. Our phone conversation is not by your or my choice, it’s only because of ShirdiSai’s will. He has sent you to me to learn and accept. Just keep doing the Gayatri and Naamsmaran. Two supreme Masters like Akkalkot Baba and Sai are with you.” I was dumbfounded and only managed to stammer a thanks as a reply. That’s was my first meeting with her. I felt I was at home as I didn’t need to give any justification and I was accepted as I am.
I arrived at the Parsi Colony in Matunga and the taxi driver was searching for Mrs. Marker’s home. I closed my eyes and called out to Swami, Sai and Babaji, “Aata mi kay karoo, Mazhya dokyat khichadi jhali aahey? Mrs. Marker mazha antahkaran vachoo shaktaat. Mazhi aata solid champi honaar (What am I supposed to do? I am very confused in my head. Mrs. Marker can read my mind. I think I am in big trouble.) As usual no answer from anybody when I need you the most! Please help me. Should I tell her about my meeting with Ware Kaka yesterday and learning the Babaji Gayatri from him. Swami, please I need answer now.” I didn’t get any answer.
My mobile rang and it was Mrs. Marker asking, “where are you? Have you run away again? Baba and I are waiting.” I squeaked, “I am nearby but I can’t find your address.”
Mrs. Marker demanded to hand over the phone to the taxi driver. They spoke for a few seconds and he nodded. It sounds almost like a scene from an Hollywood movie if I say the taxi driver was about to say usted no se escapará (you will not escape) as he dropped me to Mrs. Marker’s home. I handed him the money and walked in to the building. Mrs. Marker was waiting at the door. My hands were numb and I could barely speak. To my surprise, she threw her arms open and gave me a big hug saying, “Come in my baccha (child), we have been waiting for you.” I was crying as I knew I with Sainath.
The next 60 mins would be the most treasured moments of my life. I was waiting for Mrs.Marker in her prayer room and it was filled with God’s, Goddesses and Masters of all religions. I was staring at each photo and I can bet they were all smiling back at me. I was in bliss and still thinking of which Gayatri to chant – Babaji or Swami. She came in with a glass of water and said, “I know what’s going on in that head? Here drink some water and then talk to me. I promise I will resolve all your questions.”
I gulped down the entire glass of water in a second and said, “I don’t know from where to start but all I can say is I seem to connect with all the Masters. It’s seems like they send a message and I have to deliver it to their devotees and it’s not bound by religion. I can’t seek answers for questions that are asked from the devotees. It’the other way around, the Masters speak only when they have to impart a message to their child”. I was expecting a long explanation from Mrs. Marker and all she said, “So, what’s wrong with that?”. I was clean-bowled and managed, “everything is wrong, shouldn’t it be one Master or God for the rest of my life and not a network of multi-channels.”
Mrs. Marker smiled saying, “Throw this concept in the bin and there is nothing right or wrong. You can pray to one or many Gods. Only make sure they are a source of divinity. Be a good human being, don’t hurt others and be in constant naamsmaran of the Almighty Lord. That is all a devotee needs. You choose whether you want to pray to your Kuladaivat, Swami, Shiva, Maata, Krishna or anyone but make sure you are constantly chanting their name. I believe in Shridi Sai, Lord Krishna and TuljaBhavani Maa. You are blessed that each divine Master connects to you. They are all coming form the one and only cosmic power and their message is divine love. You keep working as per Baba’s instructions and He will look after you. Remember do not charge any money as the day you do so you will loose all your siddhis! Now, let’s meditate on Sainath.”
We closed our eyes and sat in meditation for some time. I was busy thinking, “Oh! Thank God Mahavtar Babaji topic was avoided.” Mrs.Marker opened her eyes and started laughing. I was surprised with her reaction. She asked, “Baba tells me that you want to ask me something. Please go ahead and tell me.”
My hands were perspiring at this moment and I felt like a fool. I stuttered, “Mrs. Marker, I met .. umm …I met Ware Guruji last evening (Swami Gopi # 2) and He spoke to me about Mahavtar Babaji. He also taught me Babaji’s Gayatri.” I heard a chuckle, “Oh Babaji, I have met him in my deep meditation. I was not sure if it was Babaji but when he let down His long golden-brown hair, I immediately knew it was Him.” My instant reaction was a surprised face. I remembered even Ware Kaka had given the same description. Like always, I ended up in tears because I couldn’t recall Kaka’s meeting with Babaji but my mind had only registered “long golden-brown hair”. My soul was yet again brinning with love for Babaji.
Mrs. Marker said, “My child you can chant any prayer. Go ahead recite both Swami and Baba’s Gayatri. The Gayatri Mantra is the most powerful prayer and each God or Goddess has a Gayatri dedicated to them. Your ParmarthGuru only needs your heart filled with pure devotion. Keep chanting His name and he will walk with you.” I thanked Mrs. Marker and gave her the flowers that I had bought from Swami Math. It was time to go home. As I bade farewell, I wished it was the olden days where I could live in a Gurukul and serve my Master and Guru.
I booked a taxi to Powai and for the next 2 hours continued Swami Naamsmaran as I watched the Mumbai traffic. As soon as I reached home I ran to the puja room and sat in front of Swami and Baba. I wanted to thank Him and all the divine beings who had given me darshan. For the first time, I was awake, ready to listen and carry out their tasks. I always have and to the best of my ability but this time it was different. Now, I had accepted my “role” as a medium of the Divine Channel. To heal and help His devotees was my gift. 
The below photo of Swami is at my Mother’s home which was gifted to her from the Anandnath Maharaj Math, Vengurla.
Swami aaj tumhala baghoon doley bharoon aaley
Mazhya ragav ley lya manawar Tumhi premaney sparsh keley
Mi vedey wakdey bolaley
Tari hi tumhi dokya var haat thevoon “baala shaanta ho” mhanaley
Dookhaaney mi kosaloon geley
Aai swaroopi yeoon mala koosheet gheun tumhi zopavley
Mala konich nahi smazhoo shakley
kiti tari javalchey ardhya vatey var sodoon geley
Pan Swami tumhi janmo janmi cha aapla saath aahey hey janvoon diley
Swami aaj tumhala baghoon doley bharoon aaley


  1. Kamlakant
    Mrs Marker has disclosed the universal truth that….Irrespective of religion the prayers finally reaches to one God or Saint who is almighty. This is because the universe has come in to existence after a ‘Big Bang’ out of an ‘Atom’ and resultantly every existing thing is connected through invisible power…known as Divine Power in spirituality.Some pure souls bare such powers right from their birth and ‘tanaya’ seems to be one of them.
    Liked by 1 person
  2. Sharath Kumar L
    Was blessed reading your blog. It is only by the grace of Baba and Swami Maharaj that I have come to this blog. Praise be to Sainath Maharaj and Shree Swami Samarth Maharaj. It was so wonderful to get to know about Mrs Marker.
    Liked by 1 person

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