
Sunday 15 September 2019

Ameya Narvekar plutocracy Rothschild bloodlines


Things are moving rapidly. Inequality in America is extreme. Authoritarianism is increasing. Before we realize it, America's democratic experiment will have ended in failure, and possibly chaos. Societies with extreme inequality have always come to ignoble ends. The question is whether America will end with a whimper, or with a bang.

American hubris has resulted in global economic chaos and strategic confrontation. We are no longer the only superpower. Both Russia and China, once great empires, want a second chance at global prosperity and respect. As the U.S. is forced by circumstances to abandon its role as the sole global policeman and economic powerhouse, others are ready to take its place. But, dying empires are known to flail about and fight viciously to preserve their former hegemony. And, it looks like the United States will not go quietly into the night.

U. S. power was at its peak following World War II. America ruled the globe economically and militarily. It's influence was ubiquitous and its soft power seemingly unlimited. But, arrogance and greed have turned the United States into a pariah. We are feared for our power, but no longer respected for our institutions. Inequality, injustice, corruption, and our projection of violence, have turned much of the world against us.

Throughout the 20th century and into the 21st century, the United States rhetorically lauded the benefits of democracy, while undermining democratically-elected governments everywhere. U.S.-sponsored coups and "color revolutions" dressed-up as spontaneous popular uprisings, have shown that democratic governments are not well-suited to withstand 21st century 'realpolitik'.

Developing countries, which once looked to the United States as a model for political and economic development, are re-evaluating whether democracy is their best political choice. As the economic and political might of Russia and China grow, so does their influence.

And, as the United States repeatedly demonstrates how easily it can manipulate elections and exploit popular unrest, while hypocritically preaching about democracy, developing countries may conclude that authoritarian government may be their best survival option.

The result: democracy will be left in the dustbin of history.

On the economic front, a new feudalism is emerging. As work is made contingent and part-time, employee benefits are cut, operations are moved offshore, unemployment increases, well-paying manufacturing jobs become minimum-wage service jobs, family debt grows, inequality increases and opportunities disappear, the United States is beginning to look more like a mal-developed country in the global South, than an economic giant, while American workers, once the envy of the world, struggle to compete with workers in the third world.

21st century neoliberal capitalism is producing chaos, globally. Unabashed greed, absence of effective regulation of business activity, and the growth of global casino capitalism have caused untold damage. Austerity, privatization, extreme financial risk-taking, endemic fraud and market manipulation have combined to produce a perfect economic storm. Regulators have stopped regulating, plutocrats continue to accumulate wealth, and politicians grab what they can. Nobody trusts anybody, banks won't lend, unemployment is high and rising, personal debt is staggering, and hardship and immiseration are growing, while the .01% spends with abandon and economic inequality has achieved heights not seen since the Gilded Age of the late 19th century.

Business and political elites have shown a willingness to undermine and severely damage their own country's economy, in order to weaken a populist government that refuses to support neoliberal economic policies that enrich the wealthy. As the economy is covertly sabotaged, the population, unaware that the source of their misery is the business elite, blame the populist leaders, and remove them from office. The result is that neoliberal governments replace populist governments, anti-worker policies are adopted and accelerated, the elites grow richer, and the working class suffers even more.

In Asia, China's growing economic power is transforming global finance. The Chinese yuan may soon take its place as an international reserve currency, joining the dollar - or even replacing it. The global impact of the dollar's reserve currency displacement would be enormous.

Banks have started restricting cash withdrawals. It is now difficult to take out more than a few thousand dollars in cash from some banks. Soon it may be nearly impossible to withdraw cash from bank accounts.

Some countries are considering becoming cashless societies, where money will no longer be accepted and all monetary transactions will be digital. The result will be the end of financial privacy. Governments will then have total control over the economic lives of their citizens.

In the new "normal" financial environment, banks will prosper by taxing the deposits of savers (rather than paying interest on deposits) or by taking some of the savings of their customers (bail-ins) as needed to enhance their balance sheets.

As the economic noose tightens, political turmoil, popular unrest and even global conflict may result.

Kleptocratic elites, in concert with corrupt political and business leaders, will not be the solution to the probem - they will be the problem.

Every person will have to fend for himself or herself, and for their loved ones, in a more chaotic, less fair, less democratic, more authoritarian world.

The time to prepare is now.

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