Section V. Rex Deus: Bloodlines of the Grail
Section V explores the birth to the contemporary Genesis 6 Conspiracy connecting the Crucifixion, Essenes, Jerusalem church, and alleged descendants of Jesus to the Holy Grail, Freemasonry, and the bloodlines of the antichrist.

Chapter 54: The Jerusalem Church
The second line of slander usually attacks Jesus and segments of the New Testament accredited to Paul’s authorship, from which the Christian church takes most of its new covenant doctrine. Paul is classified as the Evil Liar or the Heretic, stemming from the Dead Sea Scrolls concerning the Essenes and the Teacher of Righteousness, described as the “Spouter of Lies” and the “Unscrupulous Liar” 13 of the early church. Paul is described as the one who corrupted the religion of...

Chapter 55: Sex, Lies, And Fairy Tales
What is the civilization-shattering secret Rex Deus apparently protects? As Rex Deus’s theory goes, Jesus was removed from the cross still alive. Gnostics proclaim that Jesus then married Mary Magdalene, and they begat at least two children. Mary allegedly scuttled one child to France, and he settled in the area of Rennes Le Chateau, home of the Cathars, Merovingians, Essenes, Alains, Rex Deus, and Templars, the rebellious epicenter most of the heretical, investigative books mark as their start point. The...

Chapter 56: The Knights Templar
Masonic legacies have inseparably linked themselves to far- off times, without adequate explanation, through the Knights Templar and the shadowy Priory of Sion. How were Masons and Templars linked to the deviant Gnostic Christian offshoot? How was the disingenuous Templar founding connected to the little known Masons, who predate Freemasonry? Mason enclaves were nurturing havens for refugee Gnostics and Rex Deus. Craft legends recorded Masons participating disproportionately in the Crusades 1 compared to other European aristocracy. There can be little...

Chapter 57: The Priory Of Sion
Who and what was the ultra- secret Priory of Sion? David Hatcher Childress notes that the Sinclair clan became the Scottish guardians for the preservation of the Templar/Rex Deus/Priory of Sion/Gnostic dreams. The Scottish/Templar alliance began in 1128, when Templar founder Hugh De Payen met with King David I of Scotland (no doubt at the instigation of one of the founding Templar Knights, Henri Sinclair) after the Council of Troyes and after which St. Bernard De Clairveaux (curiously and suspiciously)...

Chapter 58: The Sinclairs
The Saint- Claire Grandmasters of the Priory of Sion were, of course, the Sinclairs of Freemasonry and Scotland. Marie was descended from Henry De Saint- Claire, who accompanied Godefrois de Bouillon on the First Crusade. 1 Marie Sinclair married Hugh De Payan, also of Templar fame. 2 Jean De Saint- Claire, of the Sainte- Claire Sur Epte, was additionally descended from the Houses of Chaumont and Gisor, just as the De Bar family was. 3 According to Robert Lomas, the...

Chapter 59: St. Bernarard And The Bendictine Monks
Pope Sylvester, born Gerbert d’Aurillac, known also as the Benedictine monk, was a Gnostic and heretic who encouraged and brought about great strides in science, mathematics, and architecture through his own broad- based knowledge he obtained from Arabs in Spain. 47 Pope Sylvester was famous for his knowledge of Oriental studies, the Hermetic sciences, and of course, magic. 48 Sylvester lived one hundred years before the Crusades, but he secretly hoped Europeans would one day regain Jerusalem to retake the...

Chapter 60: The Invisible College
Templars were, indeed, a secret society, according to Craft legends, complete with a secret doctrine and a secret ceremony of initiation into their ranks, 7 like all organizations of Enochian mysticism. From surviving aristocratic Adepts, remnant Templars spawned through new secret societies many of the famous and powerful political organizations of early modern Europe. Freemasons, in fact, believe themselves to be heirs to secrets held by the Knights Templar, who created other organizations, such as Rosicrucianism and the Invisible College,...

Chapter 61: Legends Of The Holy Grail
The Priory of Sion insists the Holy Grail is not a cup or a chalice but rather an allegory encrypted with Rex Deus secrets, 26 a Legominism. The Grail was originally identified as sangraal, meaning “holy chalice.” Gra- al is a perplexing, ancient Mesopotamian word meaning “nectar of supreme excellence” (blood), which was consumed by antediluvian gods and kings. San Greal was a premeditated perversion of sangreal, shaped as a deliberate misdirection and diabolical allegory from which Grail legends were...

Chapter 62: Joseph Of Arimathea
James the Just in Gnostic and Theosophist lore survived his condemnation to spawn the Grail legends that portray him as Joseph of Arimathea. Gnostics have also recorded James holding the Essene community distinction of the title of “Joseph,” as the second born of the dynastic succession, while Jesus held the Judaic and dynastic Essene title of the “David” (or Davidum). The “Joseph” was James’s inherited distinction, where he became the “Divine Highness,” the equivalent to the crown prince, the “Royal...

Chapter 63: Scota And Temat
It was Scota’s sons or descendants, Hyber and Hymec, that later migrated to Ireland, claiming the land for themselves, renaming the island the land of Scota. 8 The paradox in these various legends is that the time between when Scota left Egypt and went to Spain and then went from Spain to Ireland spans about 800 years. Gardner explains this mystery by announcing that there were two different Scythian/Egyptian marriages with two different Scotas. The first marriage took place circa...

Chapter 64: The Kings Of Camelot
The lineage of Anna and Joseph of Arimathea is directly linked to the Merovingian dynasty, 2 for the lineage of Lucius and Coel both descends back to Joseph of Arimathea through both Anna and Joseph of Arimathea. Additionally, this genealogy connects Merovingians to the alleged Davidic bloodlines of Israel and the Irish bloodlines of Tara. Gilbert, Wilson, and Blackett write that Anna was the purported daughter of yet another Mary and a Joseph Barsabas known variantly as Barabbas, and or...

Chapter 65: The Merovingians
The royal, matriarchal lineage of the Merovingians, as noted by Gardner, descended not coincidently from the Sicambriums through Queen Cambra. The Sicambriums were originally from the mysterious nation of Scythia, north of the Black Sea, 16 just as the Alains were from the Black Sea area. The Sicambriums were a Celtic/Teutonic/Aryan tribe that was also believed to have carried high concentrations of Israelite bloodlines stemming from wandering Benjamites. 17 These details mesh neatly with the Priory’s belief that a branch...

Chapter 66: The Trojans
The Merovingians were considered successors from the first race of kings of France. The name France originated with the first king of the Franks, Francio, a king mythologized as descending from Noah. 1 Francio’s race was believed to have migrated from Troy, in northwest Turkey, bringing their branch of royal blood to Gaul. The Trojans settled in the districts that are now called Troyes and Paris, naming these cities after their home and their Greek hero who started the famous...

Chapter 67: The House Of Stuart
All this Celtic Christian, royal mythology comprising French, British, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish genealogies eventually came together in one famous royal house, the Stuart dynasty. 1 What is the undisclosed importance of the connection of all these mythical bloodlines within the House of Stuart to The Genesis 6 Conspiracy? The Stuart dynasty descends back to 1296, to the crowning of Robert the Bruce, the famous Rex Deus 2 protectorate of the refugee Knights Templar. When Robert the Bruce failed to...

Chapter 68: Guardians Of The Antichrist
The amazing fact eluding historians is that the Templars were an overt arm doing the beckoning of Rex Deus for the fallen Grail kingships of Avalon and of the Merovingians, all while under the blessing of the Mother Church of Rome, albeit the Church did not know the true nature of the Templars. 10 As partners with Rex Deus, the Priory of Sion recognizes Rex Deus as being the other driving force behind the creation of the Templars. Rex Deus...
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Chapter 1. Heroes of Old
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Chapter 2. The Daughters of Cain
Male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish and the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” —Genesis 1:27–28 What Genesis records and what is does not record is puzzling, simply because if Cain and his progeny were indeed thoroughly corrupted, why would Scripture have diligently recorded for all time their accomplishments? Why wouldn’t Scripture...

Chapter 3: The Sons Of God
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Chapter 4: The Giants Of Antiquity
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Chapter 5: The Schism Of Antediluvian Freemasonry
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Chapter 6: Enoch And Hermes
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Chapter 7: Enoch The Evil
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Chapter 8: Royal Bloodlines
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Chapter 9: Antediluvian Masonry And The Seven Sacred Sciences
According to the Craft Legends, one must conclude that all the pantheistic religions grew out of the spurious form of masonry, either from the Chaldeans or the Egyptians. Furthermore, the religious doctrine of all the pantheistic religions is essentially the same. Alford wrote concerning the Mysteries of Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome, which were believed all to be founded on the same sun god allegories 30 (from Enoch the Evil’s sun worshipping mysticism). Included in the spurious Masonry honor role,...

Chapter 10: Enochian Mysricism
It is the Hermes form of mysticism that is referred to when modern masonry is stated to be rooted in pagan Mysteries that include religious rituals and ceremonies. Those rituals and ceremonies included secret worship that was branded as the Mysteries or mysticism. Craft legends demonstrate that Freemasonry believes mysticism was thought to have been invented in Egypt, 10 but this is simple confusion. Hermes first invented the renewed form of mysticism at Babel and then carried it off with...

Chapter 11: The Great Deluge
It is not difficult to believe Nephilim overreached in viewing themselves as earthly gods, given the great size and strength that these giants must have possessed, pitted against the average size of a man of that time, in addition to their immortal spirits. Nephilim were easily capable of dominating life at that time, and every form of cultural structure by force. Ergo, they became the leaders of the ancient world, systematically enslaving the peoples and imposing their wills and ways...

Chapter 12: Azazel: Leader Of The Watchers
Archons were referred to in The Hypostasis of the Archons as rulers of unrighteousness, again testifying to those angels as being fallen angels, the celestial Mafia. These unholy rulers called themselves gods, and they impiously lusted to create sons like God. They, of course, are the false gods of polytheism and the false gods the Bible speaks of. In fact, one ruler in particular, Sacla, called himself the god of the forces of Saboith,24 or Sabaism, the cult of the...

Chapter 13: Lucifer’s Revenge
This, then, elucidates why Jesus visited the imprisoned fallen angels in the Abyss. Jesus went as proof and Judge that humankind, through Jesus, would, indeed, rise to a higher authority than angels. He bore witness to the impassioned fallen angels that the end had now already been written, even though the fallen angels will be released in the last days to reap havoc upon the earth with the Antichrist and False Prophet. All that is left for the fallen angels...

Chapter 14: The Black Heads
According to Sumerian traditions derived from the Assyrian tablets, the first humans were known as the “Black Heads.” 4 Although most of the antediluvian clay tablets have been lost to history, many survived to the time of Ashurbanipal, circa 668–633 B.C.E. Ashurbanipal noted that he possessed antediluvian tablets in his library, boasting that he was “learned” in the translation of those precious, ancient Sumerian texts. 5 He is the first known king to collect clay tablets into a large library...

Chapter 15: Isis, Ishtar, Gaea, And Ninkhursag
Ninkhursag was celebrated as the Serpent Lady in Sumerian literature, denoting her as the prevailing Grail/Dragon queen of the Ring Lords. Ninkhursag’s womb became famous within Grail, Dragon, Fairy, and Ring culture and with Legomin literature as the Messianic succession of the uterine womb, the Chalice of the Grail Queen, which marked the perpetual dragon succession and the maternal blood. 21 Ninkhursag’s matrilineal blood, the Rosi Crucis , also known alternatively as the “Nectar of Supreme Excellence” and “Star Fire,”...

Chapter 16: The Great World Myth
Why are Mediterranean deluge and giant myths not restricted to Mediterranean cultures? Frank Joseph notes the deluge cataclysm was a common heritage throughout the world and throughout humanity— that it is the one great world myth 1 , which without explanation, bizarrely binds us all to one birthright. The Old Testament version is but one of over 500 different and distinct recollections of the same set of events. 2 It is from this line of thought, then, that one is...

Chapter 17: Atlantis
Berosus wrote that Babylon was utilized allegorically by the Chaldean priests for an antediluvian city, the “first city” of cities, which could only have been Atlantis. In fact, Frank Joseph believes that when the Bible describes Tyre and Babylon in these passages, it is really describing the prosperity and destruction of Atlantis, the sea- born, antediluvian empire. 16 In the Atlantean tradition, modern Atlantean authors claim Poseidon was the angel/son of God, a watcher /ruler/archon, to whom the continent Atlantis...

Chapter 18: Zep Tepi: The First Time
The First Time was believed to be an age when true wisdom (once) prevailed. 8 Egyptians, like other cultures, believed all wisdom and knowledge was gifted to them at the genesis of their civilization, from the gods. 9 These legends note that those times in Zep Tepi were ideal conditions for arrogance to form, causing their rebellion against God, 10 just as this occurred in biblical, Gnostic, Greek, Sumerian, Indian, and Atlantean traditions. Mythology recorded First Time Egypt was allotted...

Chapter 19: Echoes From Atlantis, Sumer, And Mu
As the Mediterranean legends go, the Atlanteans controlled parts of Egypt, Libya, Europe, Central America, and South America, while the people of the Mediterranean united to repel the Atlantean invaders. The antediluvian world appears to have been populated by three great civilizations, all led by giants. The day six Atlanteans were a race that was red- skinned, while the Aryans (Sumerians) were white, and the third race of people was black- skinned (Mu) from the Nile Valley 32 and a...

Chapter 20: The Seven Sages Of Atlantis
During the First Time, another curious group in Egypt was founded; their legacy continued even after the deluge. This fascinating group was identified as the Followers of Horus (the seven fallen angels, the Shebtiu, the Sebetti, the seven sages, who provided illicit heavenly knowledge), who were mythological beings remembered both as the bearers and the preservers of knowledge. 6 They founded a cult of astronomer- priests that guarded the Atlantean knowledge, religion, and technology for millennia after the deluge, 7...

Chapter 21: The Epic Of Gilgamesh
Utnapishtim was not the archetypal patriarch of peace as Noah was, selected and entrusted to repopulate the earth in righteousness with his pure Sethite progeny, as the so- called secular scholars would have us believe. Utnapishtim was the antithesis of this doctrine and of Noah; Utnapishtim was the quintessential Nephilim. He was a tyrannical, evil potentate, just like Gilgamesh. Once more, the Mesopotamian flood narratives were not the source documents for the biblical flood. They were merely parallel legends, recanting...

Chapter 22: Deucallion, Manu, Seth
The Sapatha Brahmana is the earliest surviving account of an antediluvian character king, a leader of men known as Manu. Manu is remembered as the father of humankind and a member of the surviving brotherhood of the seven sages. 18 Manu was a title held by six previous kings who reigned for long periods of time before the flood. 19 Manu permitted the seven sages to accompany him on the ark when the floodwaters deluged the antediluvian world. 20 The...

Chapter 23: The Rephaites And Amorites
Unger’s defines the Emites or Emin as “giant aborigines who occupied the land east of the Jordan River and who were dispossessed by the Moabites.” 52 The name Emin was derived from the fear they inspired because of their sinfulness and size. 53 The Zamzummites were defined as “noisemakers,” likely from the thunderous bellows of their voices that Atlanteans and Titans were well- known for and/or those that mumbled and/or those who murmured. The Ammonites destroyed them. 54 The word...

Chapter 24: Sodom And Gomorrah
When we consider that Jude 1:6 connects sexual perversion of Sodom with sexual perversion of angels and we know that Nephilim were in the Sodom region at that time, the connection becomes firmly cemented with circumstantial evidence. From the Gnostic perspective, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the God of the Bible not for their wickedness but because of their wisdom and insights. 14 This again testifies to Nephilim contamination, for the Gnostics believe the God of the Bible is...

Chapter 25: The Amalekites
The book of 1 Samuel notes the people identified as Amalekites lived in Shur, or Seir, since the ancient times; translation: before the flood. Ancient times do not refer to the time of Abraham. The terms “ancient times, old, old, former times, long ago” and “before our time” were always understood as the pre- flood epoch. This understanding is underscored in its application in Sirach, Baruch, Wisdom, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezra, Daniel, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter, where...

Chapter 26: Jethro And Caleb
Pharaoh did not welcome the pre- Exodus advice provided by Jethro about the growing Israelite problem, banning the priest Jethro- Reuel in disgrace to Midia, 26 which was ample motive for Jethro to have helped Moses prepare for his return to Egypt. All of this only leads us to speculate as to just who Jethro actually was, particularly when we consider that Judges 1:16 and 4:11 note that Moses’ father- in- law (Jethro/Reuel) was a Kenite and not a Midianite...

Chapter 27: Nimrod
Nimrod’s empire extended to the land of Accad, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, where the two rivers run closely together. The latter dynasty of Accad was believed founded, but more than likely inherited Accad and three other cities were the beginning of Nimrod’s post- Babel empire. 15 The empire, by Sargon the Great around the twenty- third to the twenty- fourth century B.C.E, when his men overran the Sumerian homeland. 16 Sargon was the first to conquer and then turn the...

Chapter 28: The People Of The Plain
According to Josephus, Nimrod was a great leader of the people of Shinar after the flood. 1 Laurence Gardner states the word Shinar resonates with a strong sense of antediluvian déjà vu, for “Shinar” was an (little understood) alternative name for Sumer. 2 One begins to wonder whether or not the desire of Nimrod
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