
Tuesday 17 September 2019

Shree Swami Samarth

  1. I was not able to find any compilation of Aartisof Shree Swami Samartha Maharaj. So decided to produce one and post online. Following are the Aartis taken from different sources. Few of them are available in mp3 format and other few are on youtube.
    Different Swami Maths sings different Aartis as per their respective tradition and lineage. So this Sangrah is not yet complete. Will keep updating this list as I come across new ones.
    (To begin with, Kakad Aarti, first Aarti in the morning sung early in the morning)
    काकड आरती:
    ओवाळीतो काकड आरती स्वामी समर्थ तुजप्रती। स्वामी समर्थ तुजप्रती।
    चरण दावी जगत्पते। स्मरतो तुझी अभिमूर्ती॥धृ॥
    भक्तजन येऊनिया दारी उभे स्वामीराया। दारी उभे स्वामीराया।
    चरण तुझे पहावया। तिष्ठती अती प्रीती॥१॥
    भक्तांच्या कैवारी समर्था समर्थ तु निरधारी। समर्था समर्थ तु निरधारी।
    भेट घेऊन चरणावरी। गातो आम्ही तुझी स्तुती॥२॥
    पूर्णब्रम्ह देवाधिदेवा निरंजनी तुझा ठावा। निरंजनी तुझा ठावा।
    भक्तासाठी देहभाव। तारिसी तु विश्वपती॥३॥
    स्वामी तुची कृपाघन ऊठुन देई दर्शन। ऊठुन देई दर्शन।
    स्वामीदास चरण वंदी। मागतसे भावभक्ती॥४॥
    आरती 1:
    जय देव, जय देव, जय श्री स्वामी समर्था, जय श्री स्वामी समर्था।
    आरती ओवाळू चरणी ठेउनिया माथा।।धृ।।
    छेलि खेडे ग्रामी तु अवतरलासी, राया अवतरलासी।
    जग्दउध्दारासाठी राया तु फिरसी।
    भक्तवत्सल खरा तु एक होसी,
    राया एक होसी।
    म्हणुनी शरण आलो तव चरणासी।
    जय देव, जय देव०॥१॥
    त्रैगुण-परब्रम्ह तुझा अवतार,
    तुझा अवतार।
    त्याची काय वर्णु लिला पामर।
    शेशादिक क्षीणले नलगे त्या पार,
    नलगे त्या पार।
    तेथे जडमुढ कैसा करु मी विस्तार।
    जय देव, जय देव०॥२॥
    देवाधिदेवा तु स्वामी राया,
    तु स्वामी राया।
    निरजर मुनीजन ध्याती भावे तव पाया।
    तुझसी अर्पण केली आपुली ही काया,
    आपुली ही काया।
    शरणागता तारी तु स्वामी राया।
    जय देव, जय देव०॥३॥
    अघटीत लिला करुनी जडमुढ उध्दारिले,
    जडमुढ उध्दारिले।
    किर्ती एकूनी कानी चरणी मी लोळे।
    चरण प्रसाद मोठा मज हे अनुभवले,
    मज हे अनुभवले।
    तुझ्या सुता नलगे चरणा वेगळे।
    जय देव, जय देव०॥४॥
    आरती 2: ( दिंडोरी प्रणित )
    जय जय सद्-गुरु स्वामी समर्था,
    आरती करु गुरुवर्या रे।
    अगाध महिमा तव चरणांचा,
    वर्णाया मति दे यारे॥धृ॥
    अक्कलकोटी वास करुनिया,
    दाविली अघटित चर्या रे।
    लीलापाशे बध्द करुनिया,
    तोडिले भवभया रे॥१॥
    यवन पूछिले स्वामी कहाॅ है,
    अक्कलकोटी पहा रे।
    समाधी सुख ते भोगुन बोले,
    धन्य स्वामीवर्या रे॥२॥
    जाणिसे मनीचे सर्व समर्था,
    विनवू किती भव हरा रे।
    इतुके देई दीनदयाळा,
    नच तव पद अंतरा रे॥३॥
    आरती 3:
    आरती स्वामी राजा।(२)
    कोटी आदित्यतेजा। तु गुरु मायबाप।
    प्रभू अजानुभुजा। आरती स्वामी राजा॥धृ॥
    पुर्ण ब्रम्ह नारायण।(२)
    देव स्वामी समर्थ। कलीयुगी अक्कलकोटी।
    आले वैकुंठ नायक। आरती स्वामी राजा॥१॥
    लीलया उध्दरिले।(२)
    भोळे भाबडे जन। बहुतीव्र साधकासी।
    केले आपुल्या समान। आरती स्वामी राजा॥२॥
    अखंड प्रेम राहो।(२)
    नामी ध्यानी दयाळा। सत्यदेव सरस्वती। म्हणे आम्हा सांभाळा। आरती स्वामी राजा॥३॥
    आरती 4:
    जय देव जय देव, जय जय अवधूता, हो स्वामी अवधूता।
    अगम्य लीला स्वामी, त्रिभुवनी तुझी सत्ता।। जय देव जय देव॥धृ॥
    तुमचे दर्शन होता जाती ही पापे।
    स्पर्शनमात्रे विलया जाती भवदुरिते।
    चरणी मस्तक ठेवूनि मनि समजा पुरते।
    वैकुंठीचे सुख नाही या परते।।
    जय देव जय देव॥१॥
    सुगंध केशर भाळी वर टोपी टिळा।
    कर्णी कुंडल शोभति वक्षस्थळी माळा।
    शरणागत तुज होतां भय पडले काळा।
    तुमचे दास करिती सेवा सोहळा।। जय देव जय देव॥२॥
    मानवरुपी काया दिससी आम्हांस।
    अक्कलकोटी केले यतिवेषे वास।
    पूर्णब्रम्ह तूची अवतरलासी खास।
    अज्ञानी जीवास विपरीत भास।। जय देव जय देव॥३॥
    र्निगुण र्निविकार विश्वव्यापक।
    स्थिरचर व्यापून अवघा उरलासी एक।
    अनंत रुपे धरसी करणे नाएक।
    तुझे गुण वर्णिता थकले विधीलेख।।
    जय देव जय देव॥४॥
    घडता अनंत जन्मे सुकृत हे गाठी।
    त्याची ही फलप्राप्ती सद्-गुरुची भेटी।
    सुवर्ण ताटी भरली अमृत रस वाटी।
    शरणागत दासावर करी कृपा दृष्टी।।
    जय देव जय देव॥५॥
    कापूराची वात ओवाळु तुजला, स्वामी ओवाळु तुजला।
    देहभाव अहंकार सहजी जाळीला॥धृ॥
    दया क्षमा शांती ह्या उजळल्या ज्योती, स्वामी उजळल्या ज्योती।
    स्वयंप्रकाशरुप देखिली स्वामींची मुर्ती।। कापूराची वात०॥१॥
    मी तु पण काजळ काजळी गेली, स्वामी काजळी गेली।
    निजानंदे तनु पायी अर्पियली।। कापूराची वात०॥२॥
    आनंदाने भावे कापूर्रारती केली, स्वामी कापूर्रारती केली।
    पंचतत्व भाव तनु पायी अर्पियली।। कापूराची वात०॥३॥
    (This Aarti is sung while offering pan/tambool)
    विडा घ्या हो स्वामीराया धरुनी मानवाची काया। यतीवेष घेऊनीया वससी। दीनासी ताराया। विडा घ्या हो स्वामीराया॥धृ॥
    ज्ञान हे पूगीफळ। भक्ती नागवल्ली दळ। वैराग्य चुर्ण विमल। लवंगा सत्-क्रिया सकळ। विडा०॥१॥
    प्रेम रंगवी जैसा कात। विडा अष्टभाव सहीत। जायफळ क्रोधरहित। पत्री सर्व भूसहीत। विडा०॥२॥
    खोबरे हेचि क्षमा। फोडुनी द्वैताच्या बदामा। मनोजयाचा वर्ख हेमा। कापुर हा शांतिनामा। विडि०॥३॥
    कस्तुरी निरहंकार। कोठे न मिळता उपचार। भीमापुत्र यास्तव फार। साह्य देऊनी वारंवार। विडा०॥४॥
    (This Aarti is sung at night)
    आता स्वामी सुखे निद्रा करा अवधूता। स्वामी करा अवधूता। चिन्मय सुखधामी जाउनी, पहुडा एकांता॥धृ॥
    वैराग्याचा कुंचा घेवूनी चौक झाडीला। स्वामी हो चौक झाडीला। तयावरी सप्रेमाचा शिडकावा केला॥१॥
    पायघड्या घातल्या सुंदर नवविध भक्ती। स्वामी नवविध भक्ती। ज्ञानाच्या समया उजळूनी लावियल्या ज्योती॥२॥
    भावार्थाचा मंचक हृदयाकाशी टांगिला। हृदयाकाशी टांगिला। मनाची सुमने करुन गेला शेजेला॥३॥
    द्वैताचे कपाट लावूनी एकत्र केले। गुरुने एकत्र केले। दुर्बुध्दीच्या गाठी सोडूनी पडदे सोडले॥४॥
    आशा तृष्णा कल्पनांचा सांडूनी गलबला। गुरु हा सांडूनी गलबला। दया क्षमा शांती दासी उभ्या सेवेला॥५॥
    अलक्ष उन्मन सेवूनी स्वामी नाजूक हा शेला। गुरु हा नाजूक शेला। निरंजन सद्-गुरु स्वामी निजे शेजेला॥६॥
    आता स्वामी सुखे निद्रा०
    आरती नंतर म्हणायाचा श्लोक:
    ( This Shloka should be recited after Aarti )
    सदा सर्वदा योग तुझा घडावा।
    तुझे कारणी देह माझा पडावा।
    उपेक्षु नको गुणवंता अनंता।
    स्वामी समर्था मागणे हेचि आता॥१॥
    उपासनेला दृढ चालवावे।
    भूदेव संतासि सदा नमावे।
    सत्कर्मयोगे वय घालवावे।
    सर्वांमुखी मंगल बोलवावे॥२॥
    दयाळू खरा सद्-गुरु स्वामी माझा।
    उडी घालितो संकटी भक्तकाजा।
    गुरुरुप देखोनी हा काळ भ्याला।
    नमस्कार माझा सद्-गुरुराज याला॥३॥
    जोडुनिया पाणी अनन्य भावे।
    मी मागतो मागणे हेचि द्यावे।
    हे चित्त तुझे चरणी आसु दे।
    श्रीस्वामी जय स्वामी मुखी वसु दे॥४॥
    सदा चांगली बुध्दि आम्हास द्यावी।
    मनी कल्पना विषयाची नसावी।
    गुरुविण वाटे उणे संपदाही।
    स्वामी समर्था असे प्रार्थना ही॥५॥
    मना सद्-गुरुचे नाम हे फार गोड।
    तया गोडीलागी नसे दुजी जोड।
    तया गोडीच्या काय वर्णु सुखाला।
    मना चिंत तू सद्-गुरुच्या पदाला॥६॥
    (This Aarti is a prayer for forgiveness, sung at the end of Seva)
    आरती: ( क्षमा प्रार्थना )
    अपराध क्षमा आतां केला पाहिजे।
    गुरु हा केला पाहिजे।।
    अयध्द सुबध्द गुण वर्णियले तुझे॥धृ॥
    न कळेची टाळ वीण वाजला कैसा।
    गुरु हा वाजला कैसा।।
    अस्ताव्यस्त पडेना गेला भलतैसा।।अपराध क्षमा०॥१॥
    नाही ताल ज्ञान कंठ सुस्वर।
    गुरु हा कंठ सुस्वर।।
    झाला नाही बरा वाचे वर्ण उच्चार।।अपराध क्षमा०॥२॥
    निरांजन म्हणे तुझे वेडे वाकुडे।
    गुरु हे वेडे वाकुडे।।
    गुण दोष न लावावा सेवकाकडे।।अपराध क्षमा०॥३॥
    Finally all offered to Swami Maharaj.
    ।।श्री स्वामीसमर्थार्पणमस्तु।।

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  2.                 ।।श्री गणेशाय नमः।।
                         ।।श्री स्वामी समर्थ।।
     ।।गुर्रु ब्रम्हा गुर्रु विष्णु गुरुदेवो महेश्वरा,
    गुरु साक्षात परब्रम्ह,
    तस्मै श्रीगुरुवे नमः।।
     In Mumbai, there are more than 35 Math (Shrines) dedicated to Shri Swami Samartha Maharaj of Akkalkot.While gathering information regarding address and history of these Maths over internet, I came across 5 oldest temple shrines dedicated to Swami, which were established by direct disciples of Swami on explicit directives given by Swami himself.
     On learning about these places which by grace of Swami has stood for more than a century as pillars of faith admidst an ever changing city, I got eager to visit them and witness the timeless bond of bhakti.As eagerness grew, I prayed Swami to materialize my Sankalp.Swami graced my request and on a fine thursday, I set out on Panch-Parikrama to pay my respect to अनंत कोटी ब्रम्हांडनायक.
    Kandewadi, Girgaum: I decided to begin Panch-Parikrama from the oldest Math, first in Mumbai, situated at Kandewadi, Girgaum in South Mumbai.I set out at around 11.30 am and it took me nearly an hour and a half to reach Charni Rd station from Nerul (Navi Mumbai).At Charni Rd station on east side, walking towards Borivali end, Kandewadi is at a walking distance.Situated at the beginning of Jagannath Shankar Sheth Marg opp Gaiwadi.Right at the entry of Kandewadi on right side is a board indicating 'Swami Samartha Math'.A narrow lane from there took me to the very first Math of Shri Swami Samartha Maharaj established in Mumbai.
     Shri Swamisut Maharaj (Haribhau Pawar) established this Math as per the directive given by Swami Maharaj himself.
    "तू माझा सूत आहेस.
    अभी तुम दर्या किनारे किल्ला बांधकर वहाॅ मेरे नामका झंडा लगाव."
    ( You are my son, now go, build a fort on the sea shore and raise my flag.)
     These were Swami's words to Swamisut Maharaj when he handed over to him silver padukas.Swamisut Maharaj on coming back to Mumbai from Akkalkot enshrined these padukas at Kandewadi.
     Its a small a temple shrine surrounded by buildings on all sides which makes it difficult to be visible from the main road leading inside Kandewadi.Pooja material is available at the entry of Math.Inside is a life size potrait of Swami mounted on an altar and in front are the padukas (one set of silver and another of marble). After bowing down to Swami Maharaj as one begins Pradakshina around the altar, on the right side of the altar is a life size mural of Guru Dattatreya.The Sabhagriha is medium sized.There is extra sitting arrangement available outside on the right of Math on a raised platfrom where stands an Audumbar tree.Due to roof covering, the entirety of the Audumbar is not visible but sitting under it one can have a glimpse of Swami through one of the windows of Sabhagriha.
    Thakurdwar, Girgaum: This Math is at a walking distance from Kandewadi Math on Jagannath Shankar Sheth Marg as you travel towards C.S.T end.Just at the corner of Thakurdwar signal junction where Thakurdas Rd intersects Jagannath Shankar Sheth Marg is situated Kala Ram Mandir (not to be confused with Zauba Ram Mandir).Entry to Kala Ram Mandir is a small gate between two old buildings, so one has to be vigilant while locating this temple shrine.It will fall on your left if you are facing C.S.T end on Jagannath Shankar Sheth Marg.
     Kala Ram Mandir houses Swami's Math.Once you enter the premise you would come across a board giving sign direction towards the Math (there is no board outside indicating presence of Swami's Math in the premise).
     Kirtankar Dattabhakta Shrikrishna Buva (Bapu Buva) Thakurdas established this Math.With Swami's grace he was cured of leprosy.Futher Swami order him to establish his padukas in Kala Ram Mandir.
    "श्री रघुनाथजी के सन्निध हमकू नाचनेकू जगा रखो."
    (Reserve some place for me to dance close to Shri Raghunathji.)
     On receiving Swami's orders, Thakurdas Buva enshrined Swami's silver padukas (given by Swami himself) in Kala Ram Mandir.
     Mandir is roughly divided in two sections, one half is Ram Mandir which houses idol of Lord Ram in black and hence the name 'Kala Ram'.Opposite to Lord Ram is samadhi of Thakurdas Buva and an idol of Rambhakta Maruti facing his Lord.The other half is Swami Math.
    There isn't any partition wall between Ram Mandir and Swami Math.Both stands under the same roof.
     Swami Math on left of Ram Mandir houses the silver padukas given to Thakurdas Buva by Swami Maharaj.The Garbhagriha has raised altar inside on which stands an idol of Guru Dattatreya and below is a potrait of Swami.Padukas are kept in front of the Garbhagriha encased in glass where one can offer worship.Entry is not allowed inside the Garbhagriha.
     On the right on a small alter is an idol of Durga Mata.There is Pradakshina marg around Garbhagriha.Just behind Garbhagriha is a Shiva Temple.It appears as if Swami and Shiva are sitting back to back as two sides of same Divinity.
     Kala Ram Mandir has other shrine in its premise as well, namely Khandoba and Venkatesh Temple.Also an Asvatha Vriksha (Peepal Tree) stands in the premise.
    Mahalakshmi Math: Mahalakshmi Temple at Mahalakshmi is one of the main tourist attraction in Mumbai.This temple situated on the shore of Arabian Sea has grown in popularity in the last few decades.But very few people know that just at the back of Mahalakshmi Temple is a Swami Math, which has stood there for more than a century.
     On Bhulabhai Desai Marg, as one walks across Swami Narayan Temple towards Breach Candy, one will come across Bay View Building. Next to it is a beautiful Muncipal Park. Between these two is a lane leading to Swami Math.The iron gate placed at the entrance of this lane seems to lead to some residential buildings and amidst these buildings is a small aloof structure of Swami Math.The absense of any board or sign direction on the main entrance makes it hard to detect presense of Swami Math  inside.Also, there are no vendors of pooja material near the Math, so if one wants to offer Pooja Upchar, one has to make sure to carry the material beforehand.
    "दर्या किनारी बसून आनंद कर जा."
    (Go and enjoy yourself sitting at the beach)
    This was the order given to Shri Vinayak Vasudev Agaskar by Swami Maharaj.Swami also ordered his wife,
    "पत्थरावर पैसे ठोक."
    (Nail a coin on the rock)
     Which means to enshrine and worship padukas.Futher when Shri Agaskar was unable to visit Swami to Akkalkot due to old age, Swami sent him his padukas through another bhakta Shri Raosaheb Dhavale.These padukas are enshrined in the Math.
     The temple structure is small, with only Garbhagriha and no Sabhagriha for seating.There is Pradakshina marg around the shrine.Only a small compound wall seperates the sea from the temple structure, so while performing Pradakshina one cannot ignore the splendid view of infinite sea, especially during sunset.Inside are enshrined silver padukas of Swami.Though darshan of padukas is only allowed on thursdays during pooja which takes place at around 10.30 am.Also a beautiful potrait of Swami graces the main altar.Outside, right in front of Swami is a Tulsi Vrindavan.
     Due to lack of space, it is not possible to sit at Swami's feet for long time.But a quick darshan and pooja too makes one feel blessed.
     This Math is relatively unkown and frequented by a select few.But visit to this Swami Math will leave you spellbound.
    Dadar Math, Dadar: The most well known shrine dedicated to Swami in Mumbai, this Math stands amidst the hustle and bustle of Central Mumbai.Located in Dadar next to famous Sena Bhavan makes this Math the easiest to find.Alighting at Dadar junction which is a junction of Central and Western Local Railway lines, if one takes a taxi from west side, it will take only 5 mins to get here.
     Shiv-Bhakta Shri Ramchandra Venkatesh Bhende alias Taat Maharaj established this Math along with his chief disciple Shri Balakrishna Shivshankar Upadhay alias Balakrishna Maharaj.
    "किल्ला बांधुनी रहावे समुद्रतीरी."
    (Build a fort on the shores and live there.)
     Swami ordered Taat Maharaj and gave him his padukas.Taat Maharaj further established this Math.
     This spacious Math has a large Sabhagriha.Inside Garbhagriha is a large potrait of Swami Maharaj.Outside in Sabhagriha are placed padukas.One can spend more time at Swami's feet in this Math pertaining to spacious sitting arrangement.
     Sabhagriha at its very end leads to a door which opens in a small courtyard where an Audumbar stands.One can perform Pradakshina here.
    Also inside the main shrine at one end of Sabhagriha is another small Garbhagriha housing a potrait of Swami on a raised alter.On Thursdays during Aarti, darshan is available here as main Garbhagriha is closed for Aarti and Seva.Aarti starts approximately at 7 pm and continues till 9 pm. One can take darshan and leave but if one wants to stay for Aarti, leaving in between is not permitted.So planning to stay for Aarti, plan your schedule accordingly.On a side note, longer duration of Aarti means more time at Swami's feet which is certainly a fullfilling experience.But for those with limited time in their daily schedule, shorter duration of Aarti is possible if one stands near Audumbar in outside courtyard instead of main Sabhagriha.But staying for entire Aarti would be blissful.
    Chembur Math: Close to Chembur Naka on Sion-Panvel Highway is situated this temple shrine dedicated to Swami Maharaj.Next to Jain Mandir which falls on the road connecting Chembur Naka and Chembur Railway Station is the Math where are enshrined Swami's silver padukas which Swami himself has graced by wearing them for 14 days.This priceless treasure certainly makes this Math special in the Panch-Parikrama list.
     Swamisut Maharaj's daughter Siddha-Bai established this Math and enshrined Swami's padukas mentioned above along with Swami's leather padukas, japamala and chiplya (a musical instrument used for bhajan) in it.
     Math is constructed with its back towards the main road so one has to walk a semi circle to come face to face with the Divinity.Right in front of Swami Maharaj, in the outside courtyard is a Audumbar.
     Inside is a spacious Sabhagriha where one can sit and spend ample time at Swami's feet.In Garbhagriha, on a raised altar is a potrait of Shri Swami Maharaj.This potrait is one of a kind and I myself has never seen another one like this anywhere else.On one side of the potrait on the altar is another small image of Swami smoking Hukka and on another is a image of Shri Swamisut Maharaj.In front are Swami's padukas and on left is a small stone idol of Swami Maharaj.On right, is a smaller metal idol used for daily abhishek.
     On the left is a bed, on which are placed three glass boxes containing leather padukas.There is space around the altar for Pradakshina. After completing a hemisphere as one comes to the left of Swami, there is another wooden canopy under which are housed Swami's silver padukas about which I mentioned earlier.Along with padukas are two more potraits of Swami.Sabhagriha too holds two more old potraits which are unique and mesmerising.
     On a side note, there are no vendors of pooja material here expect for thursdays.So pooja material has to be carried beforehand.
     This is the Panch-Parikrama of 5 of the oldest, most unique Math of Mumbai.Given in order, it will take approximately a day to complete the Parikrama.By grace of my Swami Maharaj, I was able to complete my Panch-Parikrama.It was indeed a splendid experience which left me blessed and more in tune, love and awe of my Sadguru shri Swami Samartha Maharaj.
     Hope other Swami Bhakta too will be benefitted with this experience of Panch-Parikrama that I share today.Finally, all offered to Swami.
      ।।ॐ श्री सद्-गुरु अक्कलकोट निवासी राजाधिराज योगीराज
    श्री स्वामी समर्थ महाराज की जय।।
      ।।अनंत कोटी ब्रम्हांड नायक भक्तवत्सल भक्ताभिमानी
    श्रीपाद श्रीवत्सल विजय दत्त गुरुदेव दत्त समर्थ अवधुत चिंतन श्री गुरुदेव दत्त।।
                   ।।ॐ श्री गायत्री माता की जय।।
                   ।।ॐ श्री गुरु महाराज की जय।।
                    ।।श्री स्वामी समर्थार्पणमस्तु।।
                            ।।श्री स्वामी समर्थ।।

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