Meeting Swami Gopis

We reached Thane on Sunday, 19th Nov by 6.00 am. I was feeling contented after going to Swami bhoomi. I wanted to go to the Thane Swami Math and I pestered my brother. He was very tired so I reluctantly gave in to go home. After reaching home I decided to meditate on Swami as I felt very charged up spiritually. I felt much better and decided to plan the next few days as I am was flying back to Sydney on 26th. I thought of a day trip to Pune to see Shankar Maharaj but that didn’t materialise. In the end most of the day was spent chatting to my brother on spirituality and He told me that he wanted to buy a Swami photo at Akkalkot. I was very excited about Monday, 20th as it was the day I would finally meet the Swami – Gopis.
During the course of 2016, I have met some Swami – Gopis. These Gopis love Swami just like Krishna- Gopis. Their hearts are brimming with divine love and they do bhakti with their mind, body and soul. Their faith and devotion to Swami Mauli is commendable. I always say that “internet toh Swamiji ki leela hai” well that’s how I met them. Believe me when I say, Swami connection, Data and Network are so strong that the Brahmandnayak will make you meet your soul family members. Each Gopi has contributed to my own growth and I believe I may have done the same. I must say that I had never met any of these ladies but have been guided to meet them by the gentle voice of Swami.
When Monday morning dawned I was ready to travel alone in Mumbai to meet these Swami Tanaya’s. I guess commuting alone was a small price to pay as compared to the joy of meeting them. I was ready and planned to meet Gopi # 1 at 11 am in Thane. My family members had to travel to Goa on Sunday night so I was home alone. My phone rang just before leaving home. It was the lovely voice of Gopi # 2. She queried about my plans and asked if I could meet her at 4 pm to which I agreed. Then I booked a cab to Thane.
Meeting Swami Gopi #1, 20th Nov (Monday).
It took me 1 hour to reach Thane. I decided ti amend my plans and called this cute Gopi and requested her to meet me near the Swami Math. She kindly agreed. I stared at the traffic and busy people thinking how I met her. I had been in touch with Gopi#1 on watsapp and over the phone since the last 3 months. One day, I got a message to google Swami Samarth and healing. So before I knew it I was on the net. The very first site that came up took me to an Article by Charuta Rajadhyaksha on I knew I had to connect to her but the Doubting DNA parked the feeling. I always imagined how would I explain the purpose of reaching out to her. This happened back in August. The message to speak to her during this period was getting stronger and after about 1.5 months I contacted her. Thanks to social media and Swami’s guidance I was able to track her. We spoke on 16 Sept and all I can say is that I wish I had called her in August. Swami was correct as always. We kept in contact over the next few weeks. Charuta is healer and blessed with a gift.
I arrived at Thane around 15 mins earlier and it was drizzling. It’s rare to get rain in Mumbai in November. I considered it as a blessing and headed to the Math. Something made me dash to the nearby shops to buy besan ladoo. The besan ladoo reminded me of Akkalkot because I had bought some ladoo as prasad. I was looking for pooran poli but the shops didn’t have it. Next, I purchased some flowers and rushed to the Math. My eyes fell on Swami and I was standing motionless with a namaskar. I saw Appa Bua in the corner serving people. I approached him and said, “Kaka, do you remember me. I am back in India and I visited Akkalkot just like you had predicted. He smiled and asked me to pray to Swami. I have the offerings and by then Charuta called as she was nearby. I told Appa that I would be back in 5 mins. Then I walked away to pick up Charuta. We hugged each other like two long lost earthly connections. You know I learnt that feeling you get that you have known someone from a past life is very true. We had just met but I felt I knew her soul since eons. I took her to the Math and introduced her to Appa. After prayers, I asked Charuta if we could sit down and meditate. She happily agreed and found a spot where other women were sitting. I wanted to follow her but something pulled me to sit right in front of Swami’s paduka. I was gently nudged by an elderly lady to move to the women’s section. By then Appa Bua signalled me to site down and meditates with no further discussions. I realised that Swami was as fulfilling my wish as I didn’t get to sit with Him at Gangapur or Akkalkot. I opened my eyes after 10 mins or so to a nectar like voice which asked me to pour a glass of water on the Shivling kept nearby. I just followed the instructions and went to where Charuta was sitting.
Next, I pleaded AppaBua to please show us the paduka and Sripad Sri Vallabh moorti stored upstairs. This time I remembered to take photos. Charuta and I headed upstairs and we were content with darshan.
When we finally left the Math I took blessings from Bua and he said that I would complete the task Swami had assigned. A strange thing happend before stepping out! “Tham jau nako, Buaan kadna mazha foto maag!” I turned around without thinking asked Bua for a Swami photo. Bua immediately went behind the gabhara and returned with a Swami photo saying it’s from Akkalkot (see below). There were no guesses who was the lucky lotto winner! My brother, Raj.
I spent the next 2 hours with Charuta and had delicious Marathi food at Methkut, Thane. I bade her farewell and decided to hire a cab to Matunga.
I was in the heart of the city where I spent my childhood. Across the road was Ghantali Mandir, one look at it and my feet carried me in the temple. The temple was closdbut I managed to click a photo of the enchanting Kailaspati tree and flowers. Since childhood I have been fascinated by the flowers. I walked out and there was a small shop selling garlands. The owner was dressed in navari. I was planning to head to my Matunga when my eyes fell on Shri Gajanan Maharaj’s photo. Again, my plans were amended and I bought garlands and a rose. The grandma in green navari smiled at me and said go to the Maharaj Math. I took this as a calling from Maharaj. Before leaving for the Math, I hugged this gorgeous Aaji and she burst into tears. I asked her, “kay zala aaji (what happened)”. She wiped her tears and sighed that sometimes the kindness and simplicity of strangers is like you is all that I need. I was in awe and bid goodbye. I walked to the nearby Sai temple, offered garlands and requested someone to keep a rose near Baba’s chest. I prayed and on the spur of the moment requested the person to return the rose. I didn’t doubt what I was doing inspite of frown on the strangers face. Next, I walked to Gajanan Maharaj Math and offered a garland and prayed for 10 mins. It was getting late and I needed to reach Matunga before 4 pm. I managed to book a cab and in 10 mins I was on the way to Matunga.
I learnt to be in the flow and to Be the flow, Make a personal connection with Swami
In this way you will see and hear Swami,
He will be visible in the little wonders of life His sweet voice will be heard in the rhythms of Mother nature.

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