
Thursday 19 September 2019

Sai Baba original photo

Very Rare Shirdi Sai baba Original 13 Photos

Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 2 
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 3
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 4
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 5
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 6
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 7
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 8
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 9 (Year 1918)
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 10
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 11
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 12
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo 13
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Kafni Photo
 Shirdi Sai Baba Original Cloth
 Sai Baba Used To Sleep On This Wooden Chair
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Cloths & Chimta
Sai Baba Used To Sit On This Stone
Shirdi Sai Baba Original Rare Photo
Shirdi Map In Black & White
Shirdi Map In Color
Shirdi Sai Railway Station

A Poem Written By Baba
!!!Children Of Immortality!!!
!!!Remember That You Are Created In My Image And Likeness. Perfect!!!
!!!Live Up To This Image, In Every Way, In All Planes. Live Like Masters!!!
!!!Walk This Earth With Your Heads Held High!!!
!!!...Your Spirits Soaring...!!!
!!!...Your Hearts Open To Love...!!!
!!!And Believe In Yourself And God Within You!!!
!!!Then All Will Go Well!!!
!!!Earth Is But A Manifestation Of My Being!!!
!!!Made Out Of My Life!!!
!!!Wherever You Look, I Am There!!!
!!!Wherever You Walk, I Am There!!!
!!!Whomsoever You Contact, T Am That Person!!!
!!!I Am In Rich, In All My Splendor!!!
!!!See I Am Everywhere!!!
!!!Talk To Me And Love Me!!!
!!!Who Am In Each!!!
!!!Then From Each, I Will Respond And Bring You Into Glory!!!
!!!You Cannot Look At Me In One Place And Not In Anther!!!
!!!For I Fill All Space!!!
!!!You Cannot Escape Me!!!
!!!Or Do Anything In Secret!!!
!!!For There Are No Secrets With Me!!!
!!!Live...!!! Live...!!! Live...!!!
!!!In Perfect Accordance With My Laws!!!
!!!And Wonders Will Ensue!!!
!!!Think Now, Does Error Clog The Free Flowing Essence Of My Being Through You?!!!
!!!Ask Me This Moment To Reveal To You Your Errors!!!
!!!In The Silence Of Your Meditation!!!
!!!Let Old Memories Well Up In You!!!
!!!...From My Subconscious In You...!!!
!!!...Old Patterns...!!!
!!!Old Forgotten Feelings and Thoughts!!!
!!!Now Plunge Them Into The Ocean Of Light!!!
!!!Burn Them From The Consciousness!!!
!!!So That You May Be True Emblems Of My Being!!!
!!!Right Now, Visualize My Burning Flame!!!
!!!Rising Higher And Higher!!!
!!!As It Burns Through You!!!
!!!It Is A Flame That Is Cooling!!!
!!!Cleansing And Healing!!!
!!!...That Soothes The Hidden Sorrow...!!!
!!!And Leaves You Calmed And Quiet!!!
!!!Rest In My Love!!!
!!!Let All That You Have Been Through In Your Many Lives Up To This Day!!!
!!!Melt Away In My Redeeming Light!!!
!!!Children Of My Being!!!
!!!Dissolve Your Sorrows And Fears In Me!!!
!!!Let Me Efface!!!
!!!Come Back Into My Consciousness!!!
!!!Which is your own true Consciousness!!!
!!!Let Your Petty Human Self Fade Away, Right Now!!!
!!!As you Come To Me, Who Am Your Self!!!
!!!You Are Now My Radiant Glorious Self From Me!!!
!!!...Melt With Me.......Merge With Me...!!!
!!!...Become Me...!!!
!!!............Sai Ram............!!!

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