
Wednesday 18 September 2019


Osho Collection

Osho Collection includes most of the published books, each chapter on a separate page.

View Osho books
FramesFrames version displays separate frames for topic list, article index and article itself. Everything is displayed in a single browser window.
No FramesNo Frames version displays topic list, article index and article itself in separate browser windows.Chapter is displayed in a new browser window. Each article is displayed in a new browser window.

Search books
You can search books in many ways using the internal search engine. Just type a word or multiple words or a sentence.
After you perform the initial search, from the search results box, you can choose to search either the entire collection, or just a single book.
This book collection is also indexed by the search engines. On Google, you can do the site searches by specifying the site, like this: search_words
You can also search a single book by specifying a book subdirectory. For example:

Osho downloads
You can download many Osho collections either via torrents (uTorrent recommended) or via BTSync (Bittorrent sync) programs.

About fluctuation meditations
The purpose of the fluctuation meditation is to show you how your consciousness fluctuates, comes and goes, disturbed by a thought process.
When listening to fluctuation meditation version of the books, adjust the volume in such a way so that you hear music, but not too loud so it interferes with a lecture.
If you set volume too low, you will not hear music. But if you set it too high, then music may interfere with listening the voice and your attention may be more with music then with the voice because music is very beautiful and very powerful.
If volume is properly adjusted, your consciousness will be pulled-in, just to hear music. Then you kind of refocus your awareness to listen to the lecture. The ideal balance is when your consciousness fluctuates between the music and the voice.
Eventually, you may be able to stay on the foreground and be fully aware of the lecture and yet hear the music at the same time and be fully present in the moment, which is what any meditation is all about - being in the moment without the thought process. If you can do that, you may consider yourself to be a meditator and issue yourself a certificate, signed by Mahasattva Anand Veeren.
Good luck, and not to worry - it does work.
"Or you money back!!!"

On-line music radio stations and channels
Why music here?
Short version:
"Music for your heart and soul is like a water to a plant".
(Mahasattva Anand Veeren)

Fair Use Notice:

The information on this site is of religious nature. It represents a mankind's heritage, just as recognized by the government of India pronouncing the books of Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh or Chandra Mohan Jain) as heritage of India and placing all his books into the governmental library.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
The material on this site is made available in an effort to advance understanding of religious, environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.
This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. For more information go to:

Contact email: veeren [atsign] mail [dothere] ru

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