Chapter 79: The Fairy Kingdoms
So, then, what is the hidden relationship connecting the Fairy and Dragon Courts to the Holy Grail and Rex Deus? We taught previously that the contemporary Rex Deus conspiracy is 2,000 years old, dating back to the life and times of Jesus. Additionally, we learned that Grail legends were spawned by Rex Deus Houses and that the Holy Grail was, in truth, the Sangreal, the holy bloodlines that housed the secrets to the Kings of God dynasty.
What we must now absorb into our syncretic thought process is the notion that Grail, Fairy, and dragon legends are, according to both Gnostic and Masonic writers, one and the same. 1 When one notes any arcane reference to the shadowy Dragon and Fairy Courts, understand that this is deliberate Grail/Rex Deus bloodline Legominism.
In Celtic mythology, exclusive royal families carried what is renowned in Grail lore as “fairy blood.” 5 Romans viewed the Celts as a tall and fair- skinned people, 6 while fairies in Wales were called Tylwyth Teg , the “Fair Family.” 7 Tylwyth Teg is, in fact, the Welsh translation for “fairy.” 8 According to Gardner, fairy blood, the bloodlines of fairies (those of the lineage of fair folk), was originally conceived through philosophical (arcane) metaphors relating to fate; hence the word fairy derives from fee, or fey (fate). 9 Fairy/faerie/fayyerie derived from French faes , which derived from the Latin fata , describing spirit beings that guide fate. 10
Chapter 8: Royal Bloodlines
Conversely though, and as a primary principle, we must understand that duplicitous, secretive Snake Brotherhoods and their descending genitive secret societies do disingenuously employ genetic distinctions. Alleged genetic distinctions, in these rival belief systems are reserved for only the rich and powerful; the elite; the Adepts of those secret societies. Therefore I will build upon throughout this book the distinctions the selected elite of secret societies endorse regarding Cain, what they believe are their genetic connections linking them back to Cain and Nephilim, as well as building on the notion that Day 6 and the creation of Adam were two separate events.
Freemasonry believes the antediluvian people were highly advanced in the Seven Sacred Sciences. 1 Freemasons resolutely believe that when humans abandoned their nomadic lifestyle (people of day six, which Cain likely married into), they formed builder associations to erect monuments and buildings to worship their gods, and architecture transformed into an art that demanded exacting science and knowledge. 2
List of All Chapters
- (no title)
- Chapter 1. Heroes of Old
- Chapter 2. The Daughters of Cain
- Chapter 3: The Sons Of God
- Chapter 4: The Giants Of Antiquity
- Chapter 5: The Schism Of Antediluvian Freemasonry
- Chapter 6: Enoch And Hermes
- Chapter 7: Enoch The Evil
- Chapter 8: Royal Bloodlines
- Chapter 9: Antediluvian Masonry And The Seven Sacred Sciences
- Chapter 10: Enochian Mysricism
- Chapter 11: The Great Deluge
- Chapter 12: Azazel: Leader Of The Watchers
- Chapter 13: Lucifer’s Revenge
- Chapter 14: The Black Heads
- Chapter 15: Isis, Ishtar, Gaea, And Ninkhursag
- Chapter 16: The Great World Myth
- Chapter 17: Atlantis
- Chapter 18: Zep Tepi: The First Time
- Chapter 19: Echoes From Atlantis, Sumer, And Mu
- Chapter 20: The Seven Sages Of Atlantis
- Chapter 21: The Epic Of Gilgamesh
- Chapter 22: Deucallion, Manu, Seth
- Chapter 23: The Rephaites And Amorites
- Chapter 24: Sodom And Gomorrah
- Chapter 25: The Amalekites
- Chapter 26: Jethro And Caleb
- Chapter 27: Nimrod
- Chapter 28: The People Of The Plain
- Chapter 29: The Tower At Babel
- Chapter 30: The Original Great White Brotherhood
- Chapter 31: Forging The Nation of Destiny
- Chapter 32: The Nephilim Wars
- Chapter 33: The Holy Covenant
- Chapter 34: Jericho
- Chapter 35: Curse Of The Amalekites
- Chapter 36: King Saul And David
- Chapter 37: David And Goliath
- Chapter 38: The Avvites
- Chapter 39: Nothing New Under The Sun
- Chapter 40: The New Man
- Chapter 41: The New Age Of Aquarius
- Chapter 42: The Sign Of Noah
- Chapter 43: The Godless Generation
- Chapter 44: Babylon City
- Chapter 45: Reflections from Within The Third Reich
- Chapter 46: The False Prophet
- Chapter 47: The Disciples Of Light
- Chapter 48: The Alien Phenomena
- Chapter 49: The Mother Of All Sorceries
- Chapter 50: The Spirit Of The Antichrist, The Beast
- Chapter 51: The New Nimrod
- Chapter 52: The Rapture Tragedy
- Chapter 53: Adonai
- Chapter 54: The Jerusalem Church
- Chapter 55: Sex, Lies, And Fairy Tales
- Chapter 56: The Knights Templar
- Chapter 57: The Priory Of Sion
- Chapter 58: The Sinclairs
- Chapter 59: St. Bernarard And The Bendictine Monks
- Chapter 60: The Invisible College
- Chapter 61: Legends Of The Holy Grail
- Chapter 62: Joseph Of Arimathea
- Chapter 63: Scota And Temat
- Chapter 64: The Kings Of Camelot
- Chapter 65: The Merovingians
- Chapter 66: The Trojans
- Chapter 67: The House Of Stuart
- Chapter 68: Guardians Of The Antichrist
- Chapter 69: Novus Ordo Seclorum
- Chapter 70: Inside Freemasonry
- Chapter 71: The Thirty-Third Degree
- Chapter 72: The Rothscild-Rockefeller-Morgan Axis
- Chapter 73: Secret Societies And The New Age Of Atlantis
- Chapter 74: The Illuminati
- Chapter 75: Global Gnosticism
- Chapter 76: A Thousand Points Of Light
- Chapter 77: The Rosicrucians
- Chapter 78: The New Age Millennium
- Chapter 79: The Fairy Kingdoms
- Chapter 80: Ordo Draconis
- Chapter 81: Serpents And Dragons
- Chapter 82: Leviathan
- Chapter 83: The Bull Cult of Melchizedek
- Chapter 84: The Essenes
- Chapter 85: Moses, Akhenaten, And The Armana Dynasty
- Chapter 86: Joseph
- Chapter 87: Abraham, Esau, And Ishmael
- Chapter 88: The Kings Of Nimrod And Ham
- Chapter 89: Ham And Japheth
- Chapter 90: The Blood Drinking Kings of Kish
- Chapter 91: The Antediluvian Dragon Court
- Chapter 92: Adam And Cain
- Chapter 93: Lilith
- Chapter 94: The Grail Cauldron Of Fairies, Annwyn, And Atlantis
- Chapter 95: The Fairy Lords Of The Tuatha Denaan
- Chapter 96: The Royal House Of The Scythians
- Chapter 97: The Antediluvian Testimony
Chapter 29: The Tower At Babel
The new doctrines included the promises of renewed enlightenment, the ancient knowledge and beliefs of Atlantis and the entire antediluvian world, the occult, idolatry, secret rituals, and secret societies. But try as the followers of Nimrod must have done, not all the people of Shinar would convert and worship the pantheon of gods. Not all of the people were gullible enough to willingly come out in open rebellion against God. Some, and more likely many, held true to God and His righteous ways, rejecting the new Nephilim doctrine being introduced by Nimrod. In order for the postdiluvian rebellion to have fully taken hold and to ultimately succeed, more was required than the art of deceptive persuasion.
This was when Nimrod usurped absolute control over all the governing bodies in the first coup d’état of the postdiluvian age. Nimrod became a Gibborim, a potentate like that of the antediluvian Nephilim. According to Josephus, Nimrod changed the nature of the government to tyranny 13 under his brutal and evil dictatorship, just as an evil potentate would do, and even more importantly, just as an evil Nephilim potentate would do. Through the brutal and corrupt power of his government, Nimrod imposed his will and state- sponsored religion upon the people of Shinar. Through brute force and fear, Nimrod was successful in implementing his rebellious and heretical religion on most of the people at that time. Those who did not abide by the new ways were callously removed, likely by death, from the so- called enlightened, foreshadowing the great end- time genocide that will be waged first by the religion of Babylon (Rev. 7:1–17; Rev. 18:24; and Rev. 19:2) and then by the Antichrist (Rev. 13:5–18).
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